Friday, January 20, 2012

Friedensreich Hundertwasser

A model for living more in harmony with nature, that everyone
should have access to it, along with eco-friendly living methods
I was not so sure about coming to Vienna, as I wanted to stay put somewhere warmer and get some painting done. I am so glad I did because I discovered Hunderwasser. His architecture is well-known and obviously very interesting, but he is foremost an artist and painter. When I saw his paintings, I got very excited and intrigued by them, and happily enough, he is one of my new favorite artists now.

Everything about him that resonates with me, in list form:
A tapestry he made. I find the forms here most
-His work is more about the experience of the viewer than of the artist (I find it difficult to relate to work about such abstract ideas that seem only to be about the artist and his/her own thoughts). He said, "The line I trace with my feet walking to the museum is more important and more beautiful than the lines I find there hung up on the walls" (I think that maybe he would find my experience of some self-discovery and a kindred spirit more important than the fact that I went to see his art).
-He traveled not only for exhibiting, but also lived in different areas of the world (I like this idea of living around the world better than mere sight-seeing, which is not all that interesting when we all have cameras and the internet).
- He redesigned a fabulous sailboat and sailed to different places in the world with it (I have noticed lots of interesting people that I like have some involvement with sailing, and I find my own interest in this seemingly slow pace of life increasing).
I bought a post card of this piece. These
colors do not do the image justice. 
-Experimented with hummus toilets and water purification systems with plants and insists on humans living in harmony with nature, as we are guests in nature (amen).
-Gave several lectures on his ideas, such as campaigning against nuclear power and against negativity in modern art (I found I get frustrated with negativity in art, but I think this is different than saying that art should be in denial of human suffering and oppression, because it should not).
-"To paint is religious activity". He insists that being creative is when we are closest to God (making art is definitely spiritual for me, most especially the level of faith I must have in the face of doubt).
- My experience with his work is that his forms are so interesting and colors make me feel so optimistic, so excited for change and positive potential of humans to be happy and good. It is not without darkness or frustration. I feel that optimism, happiness, and light are more meaningful in spite of, even coexisting with some darkness instead of being in denial of.

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