Thursday, February 16, 2012

Response to Margaret :)


How are you doing these days?  I love reading your blog and showing it to students.  How is your project going along?  What was the best thing you learned this week?  I hope that you aren't freezing too much. Can't wait to hear how things are going.

Hope all is well,


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Margaret!
Thanks for emailing me, the best thing I learned this week is that real honey is really good for you! The honey that comes in little plastic bears has really powerful antibiotics and honey fillers, real honey has lots of nutrients and good bacteria in it. I have actually been learning a lot about cooking and food, and seeing it as a connection between humans and nature, through our food. Eating lots of yogurt, real honey, and garlic. The next guy we are staying with is really into medicinal herbs, which is really exciting to me. The work we have been doing on the farm has been good, but it gets spread it out over the whole day, with lots of breaks, which doesnt leave me much daylight, but I have lots of ideas, so I do what I can. I will never take for granted real painting facilities ever again. Its been raining a lot so we started painting murals in the little girls rooms, so I am painting unicorns, castles, and fairies more than anything else, haha. The family we are staying with is really nice. I definitely want to do more of these workaway things once I graduate because it is a really good way to see how people logistically grow their own food and build stuff.
Learning so much!


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